Rhaetians & Co. – New multidisciplinary data on the issue of Tyrsenic – Rhaetians and Etruscans
Project developed from the online event and round table on 24 September 2021 (Verona – Rome).
Organising committee: S. Marchesini, A. Vanzetti, L. Zaghetto.
In collaboration with: Sapienza Università di Roma and Università di Rome Tor Vergata.
The topic:
The identification of a new language belonging to the Tyrrhenian language family – Rhaetic – in the last 30 years, and the attention given in various publications to the three languages of this language family have led to renewed interest and a new analysis of the relationships between the peoples of central and northern Italy and the northern Aegean.
Three non-Indo-European languages are linked to the Tyrrhenian language family: Etruscan, Rhaetic and the language known from inscriptions on the island of Lemnos. The three languages are closely related, displaying characteristics of mutual relative/chronological relationship. Etruscan and Lemnian show more similarities than Etruscan and Rhaetic. Rhaetic represents a more archaic phase than Etruscan. The three languages share common linguistic traits on a phonological, morphological and onomastic level. The lexicon shows more correspondences between Etruscan and Lemnian than between Rhaetic and Etruscan.
The conference was a success, which is why Alteritas decided to publish a miscellany on this very interesting topic with contributions from the event participants.
The book will be published as an open access e-book with ISBN, double-blind evaluation and DOI.
double-blind system and DOI.