We will resume the cycle of our ALTERITASeminars 2018, after the summer break, on Monday 24/09/2018 at 17.30 with the talk by Nicoletta Martinelli (Laboratorio Dendrodata – Alteritas) entitled “Dendroprovenience: stories of journeys of woods and people”, whose invitation to participate and spread the news is attached.

The seminar, based on some case studies, will deal with dendroprovenience: a discipline that allows not only to date ancient wood using dendrochronology, but also to identify its region of origin. It is thus possible to reconstruct the path of timber from the forests where the trees were initially felled, along river and/or sea routes and the related trade, even over long distances. Sometimes, in such research, it has been possible to delve into certain historical episodes in which wood, its processing and use became a reason for interaction between human groups, usually workers of different origins with particular technical skills.